Monday, March 1, 2010

Sweetly Slacking

Yes, I've been sweetly slacking. What does that mean you ask? I don't really know, I made it up.

I have not picked up my camera to take pictures of anything but sweets lately. I've been pretty busy. My business is picking up speed even more, I'm "booking up" months in advance and the inquiries coming in are crazy. I really don't know how to keep up with myself right now. This is a good thing, I have to remind myself as overwhelming as it may be sometimes. People are finding me on google. I can't keep up. The reason I don't have a "real" website yet is because I just don't know if I'm ready for what comes with it. Search engines will pick me up on the first page for a Corona bakery/cake search and that is pressure. Not quite ready for that much business. I'm not saying that I'm that much better than the other joints in town that I'll take all the business, but I'll have even more business than I have now because people who don't know of me will be able to find me, easy. Plus, my stuff is pretty good if I do say so myself, I'm always down for a good pat on my back.

So, my sweetly slacking is referring to no pictures of the real sweets in my life. The two lovely beasts that are mine. They have not gotten any camera time. Just the sugar stuff. So, in order to not have a boring blog, I'm going to post pictures of the only things that I have pictures of, cakes, cupcakes, and cookies. I hope you enjoy!!

These cookies I made for an engagement party.  Rings, hearts, and monograms in lavender, black and white.

Tinkerbell party.  Cupcakes and a "smash" cake for the birthday girl.

Don't these little Tinkerbells look like they are floating on top of the cupcakes?  I also made some cupcakes with white chocolate flowers painted with a soft lavender luster dust.

Princess theme party.  LOVE this cake, all buttercream.  That Cinderella carriage I think is gorgeous.  Just my personal opinion.  I did it freehand with buttercream.

Okay, one of my favorites.  This cake is iced all in buttercream frosting and I did fondant music notes with a fondant guitar on top, with a pick.  This cake also has an old picture of the birthday boy back in his younger days.  He sported quite a fro.



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I'm Kristi, the wife of one very lucky and handsome husband, and mother to two beautiful little girls. I'm honest and sarcastic, funny and easy going. I love to eat and love to hate that I love butter. And wine. And did I mention butter? I'm always learning new things, happy to lend a hand, and love my life. This is a blog of my family and the day to day crazy that we call Rush Hour. I hope while you are here that you enjoy yourself and come back often!

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