Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Eleven, count 'em, Eleven Months Old

This past Saturday, Madi turned 11 months. I can't believe it's almost been a year. She's getting so big, so fast! She's doing a lot too!!

The most important thing that she's doing is SLEEPING!!! Can you believe it? After 10 and a half months of screaming, crazy baby, we have this kid that's sleeping from 6:00, 7:00, or 8:00 until 8:30, sometimes 9:30 en la manana!!!! Mama is so totally happy. She's been doing this for about two weeks now. The first three days that she did it, Tim and I didn't talk about it. We thought that if we talked about it, it wouldn't happen anymore. Well, it's happening all right, yay!! On top of the big sleep, she's taking two other 1.5 - 2.5 hour naps during the day. The only time I have a problem is if she poops. Think she's making up for lost sleeping time? I hope it lasts forever!!

She's also doing a lot of "talking". If I hold a phone up, she says, "talk." Her other list of words is, Mama, Dada, Nigh, nigh, Hi, and something that sounds like all done, she says that when she's done eating. If I ask her to say something she will concentrate on my mouth and make some kind of a sound that is close to what I am saying. It's weird because all Riley was doing at this age was the sign language and didn't make a peep unless she was crying. Kids are all so different, it's amazing! We decided not to teach Madison sign language, I figured since she's so vocal and shows a lot of interest in talking that there really is no need for it.

She's not quite walking yet, but the problem is that she thinks she can. She will do a four or five step walk from one piece of furniture to the next, and eleven steps is her longest from person to person. Her favorite person to walk to is Riley. That makes me very nervous!!! She also will stand from the sitting position a lot, she's so proud of herself when she does this! A few times today she's just started walking to nothing from the standing position so I bet by next week I might be able to say we've got a walker!

Other fun things she's doing, is pointing 9/2, blowing kisses (not perfectly) 9/11, giving real kisses 9/15, and dancing!! She's such a little cutie. She still loves to eat and will pretty much eat whatever I give her and that is so nice for me. She loves the bath but yells at me more than I yell at her because I'm constantly telling her no. The girl thinks that I'm going to give up first. She just wants to stand in the tub and that ain't happenin'! She also throws a major fit whenever I put the gate up for the stairs. If it was up to her, she'd be crawling up there every five minutes. She throws herself onto the ground and screams, I should really get that on video, it's pretty funny.

Blowing kisses...

So that's about it for now, oh yeah, two more teeth up top 9/4 and 9/9, those came in with no fussing.



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I'm Kristi, the wife of one very lucky and handsome husband, and mother to two beautiful little girls. I'm honest and sarcastic, funny and easy going. I love to eat and love to hate that I love butter. And wine. And did I mention butter? I'm always learning new things, happy to lend a hand, and love my life. This is a blog of my family and the day to day crazy that we call Rush Hour. I hope while you are here that you enjoy yourself and come back often!

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