Monday, January 11, 2010

Somebody Loves Me...

I feel so special.

Genn over at Life in the Hass House nominated me for a Beautiful Blogger Award.

Here she is...

Unfortunately, it doesn't mean that I'm really like a beautiful, gorgeous, very attractive person that blogs.  It means that someone thinks that my blog is beautiful.  Which is still pretty dang cool!

So, now, my first  job is to list seven random things about myself.  I feel weird doing this, and don't know if I can come up with seven things, but, you never know when you start to write.  So in no particular order, I'm going to list the seven.


  1. I, Kristi Rush, am a closet Brittany Spears fan.  Yes, you read that correctly.  I love her.  I am a slave for her.  Seriously.  Should I say anything else about this one?  Or just leave it at that?  I feel like I'm being judged already.

  2. I lived in Kentucky for four years of my life.  Why?  Because I received a full ride scholarship to play Division 1 volleyball at the University of Kentucky.  I like this one.  Very proud of this random fact about me.  I love volleyball, and I still do.  It's one of the sports that I hope my kids decide to play.  It's a great sport, and I miss it.  Before I start to reminisce about this one, I think my safest bet would be to go onto number...

  3. I long for the day that I get to ride in the car part of the shopping cart at the grocery store while my children do the shopping for me, and push me around.  I want to be the one driving, eating my cookie from the bakery, and throwing fits when that person that is buying food to feed me runs out of M&Ms.  Yeah, that's right.  It will happen.  I promise.

  4. I have my belly button pierced.  Back when I went on spring break in college, I almost got a tattoo.  I really wanted one.  I wanted to design it myself though, and didn't have enough time between partying, laying out on the beach, and talking to hunky, hunky, boymen to come up with something that I loved.  So, I settled for the piercing.  Today, it does not house a cute little glitzy belly ring.  I wish I had never gotten it, pregnancy does gorgeous things to ones body, does it not?  It's only purpose these days, I'm afraid, is to remind me of all the stupid, really cool and the best idea in the world moments I had when I was younger.  Ah, the good ole days...

  5. I'm a wizard.  I have magic.  Or, used to have magic.  When I was between the ages of 3 and 4, I had a very large amount of magic, that I conveniently pulled from my chin area.  It started with the memory game.  My family loved to play the memory game.  My Mom would get it all ready for us and we'd start the game, and every time (well probably not every time, but enough times to consider myself really magical and of wizard status) it was my turn, I'd get a match.  No cards would have been turned over, it was the beginning of the game.  I'd sit back and rub my chin with my hand, and say, "I'm going to use my magic."  I'd rub my chin for a little while longer, and kid you not, pull up a matching set of cards.  Talk about gifted right?  There were many other situations where I'd use my magic, and it always pulled through.

  6. Stacy, my older sister, stole my magic.  I no longer have it.  She does.  About six years ago, I learned of this devastating news.  For a few years, I had been trying to use my magic with no luck.   One Christmas, the year of 2003, Stacy finally told me what happened.  She stole it.  She stole my magic.  She's always wanted my magic, and I guess I let my guard down thinking I was always going to have my magic, and that's when she stole it.  Ripped it right from under my chin.  I have major plans of how I'm going to get it back, but I can't discuss it on here, because she looks on my blog.  I'm coming for you Stacy.

  7. Wow, the last random fact already?  I had too much fun with this, who knew?  Okay, I hate toys.  Hate them.  Hate them.  Hate them.  And, I hate them.  They are like little bombs.  A child's toy is no longer, like, a teddy bear, or, a Barbie doll and her Barbie friends.  It's more like, a complete kitchen with food, dishes, utensils, napkins, baskets, salt and pepper shakers, and soy sauce.  Or maybe something like, a doll house, with beds, people, dogs, a pull apart sofa, bookcase, rocking chair, food for the kitchen, and plants for the garden.  And let's not forget the babydolls that come with a stroller, crib, car seat, bottle, bib, and paci.  Come on.  Can these toys be anymore explosive?  I find hot dogs in my bed.  Crayons in the laundry.  A complete puzzle scattered in the bathroom.  Ew.  I hate toys.  Enough said.
So there you have it, my seven random thoughts.  I do have one more that I'd like to throw out there because I feel like I cheated and number 5 and 6 should probably be together.  Okay, my number 8, is I love hamburgers.  All kinds of hamburgers.  Love them.  Love. them.  Oh no, one more.  My dream job would be to be a comedian on SNL.  Yes, I realize that you have to be really, really funny to have that job.  I'm not really, really funny, but man, that would be such a fun job!  I promise I'm done now.

So now, the hardest part of this blogger award is...

Giving it back out to seven people.  I can't get anyone I know to even try to blog, and when they do try, their hearts are not really in it.  It's sad really, they don't know what they are missing out on.

I don't even know seven people that blog on a continuous basis, but, to those of you that do blog, and have beautiful blogs that I love to visit almost daily, I give you this...

The Martin Family (Jaymi, I think you already got one, but it wouldn't hurt to get two right?)

Your Sugar Rush (Is it bad to give it to yourself?  I don't really care, her cakes are pretty cool)

So there you have it.  Thanks again Genn for thinking that my blog is beautiful.  This was very fun!!



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I'm Kristi, the wife of one very lucky and handsome husband, and mother to two beautiful little girls. I'm honest and sarcastic, funny and easy going. I love to eat and love to hate that I love butter. And wine. And did I mention butter? I'm always learning new things, happy to lend a hand, and love my life. This is a blog of my family and the day to day crazy that we call Rush Hour. I hope while you are here that you enjoy yourself and come back often!

The Rush Family

The Rush Family

My Buddies and Me :)

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