Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Weekend Projects

This past weekend Tim was off ALL weekend, rarely happens, so I think I put him to work. We have so much to do to the house that it's hard to pick just one project. I, of course, want to tackle the fun, pretty projects that involve going to Home Goods/painting furniture, and Tim wants to tackle the outside work. Tim won this weekend. When we moved in, our backyard was mostly a dirt hill with some concrete. Since the rains, our backyard turned into a forest. So, Saturday, we took off to Home Depot for some weed killer and some other crap for the front lawn that Tim requested, and also some blinds for the family room and for Madi's room. We met my Mom there, she was getting flowers for her beautiful yard, and she bought the Rushes our very first pot and flowers. Thanks Mom! It's so cheery by our front door! So here are some pictures of what we have been up to the past couple of weekends. Slowly but surely our house is coming along. The more we do, the better it looks!

Here is the forest of the Rushes, it's so bad, I know. Our plans for our backyard include cutting into the hill more from the concrete, through the retaining wall, in the center of the yard to do a nice outdoor table and barbecue area, and we are planning on keeping the existing retaining wall but cutting back from there on both sides, the right side will be a hot tub area and the other side will be a grassy, fenced in area with a jungle gym type thing for the girls. We are also wanting to build a patio cover that covers the entire concrete area, the sun is the devil in our backyard. Our plans also include french doors from our room upstairs to a balcony. We can't do any of this though until we have the money for it, a little bit at a time and soon enough we'll be there!! I understand if you can't see the vision!

I thought Tim would clear out the weeds this way, spray, spray, kill, kill, then weed.

His vision included this, he informed me that the weed killer would not kill the weeds unless he sprayed the roots. We are limited on our outdoor equipment, but my Grandma offered us hers, I don't know why Tim didn't just go and pick up her stuff, maybe he wanted to be manly. So after he told me he'd have to use the machete, I informed him that if he wanted to use that and he cut off a limb, I would be sewing him back together because we can't afford another trip to the ER. I guess he felt like I could do a good job stitching him up because he didn't stop with the machete.

My Mom and Dad had a faucet just hanging out in their garage for I don't know how long, so I stole it and Tim installed it a couple of weeks ago. It's so much nicer than what we had. Thanks Mom and Dad for the purchases you make and don't ever return!!

The blinds in the fam room. They have helped so much with the sun, now I can't wait for curtains. But for now, I know that our new sectional is not getting ruined by the sun and that's enough for me!! Tim did such a beautiful job putting the blinds up. On the long window, they don't make blinds that long so we had to get three different sizes and Tim installed them. They look so great. He is definitely handy, I think I might keep him.

The flower planting process. Tim, putting soil INTO the pot.

Riley taking soil OUT of the pot.

Always stop to smell the roses.

The finished pot.

Loves to help Daddy!!

Madison really was lazy the entire weekend. Every time I looked at her, she was just chillen. Lazy girl.



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I'm Kristi, the wife of one very lucky and handsome husband, and mother to two beautiful little girls. I'm honest and sarcastic, funny and easy going. I love to eat and love to hate that I love butter. And wine. And did I mention butter? I'm always learning new things, happy to lend a hand, and love my life. This is a blog of my family and the day to day crazy that we call Rush Hour. I hope while you are here that you enjoy yourself and come back often!

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