First off, you have to be kind of smart to make these. Or be completely stupid. They are so easy and I don't know why I never made them before.
Well I do know why, they are fattening. But delicious. I always go for, "make them, they sound delicious." Over, "wow, don't make those, they are so fattening."
Everything is good in moderation though right?
Anyway...get an onion, I use a yellow.
Cut it as thin or as thick as you want. I like an in betweener. Is that a word? It doesn't really matter if it is or not.
I'm using it.
Once you slice your onion, soak your slices in buttermilk.
I'm not an expert, but I think you can soak them for as long as you want. Well, not as long as you want. But over night might be okay. I don't know, I just do a couple of hours.
After that, warm up a lot of oil. I mean a lot. I did it in my Mom's iron skillet because I don't own a deep fryer. (this is probably a good thing, or I'd fry everything, like everything.)
Mix together your batter. I do regular flour, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, kosher salt, and freshly ground pepper.
I know it sounds weird, but I taste my mixture. It won't taste like it does on your onions, but you can get an idea for how seasoned they will be.
I really don't know how much of everything I put in. But it's not a science.
Throw your onion slices in your batter. Coat well. Then, throw them in your hot oil. I heat my oil at medium high.
When they turn golden...they are good to go.
Cooks note: Don't make enough onion rings so that you can freeze some for the next time you make something yummy that needs them on top (aka BJ's BBQ salad - which by the way I found the perfect BBQ ranch recipe to use on it) because they will be eaten if left out. I mean, ALL OF THEM. They are that good!