My friend Becky rocks the house. I could probably end this post right now with just those words and you'd get the picture. She is such a sweet girl and we've been friends since high school. I recently made her reception cake and when her and Sam came for their tasting we started talking about photography. Becky was very into photography when we were in high school. I actually sat as her "model" a few times, hahah. Imagine that, me sitting as a model....I know, I know, it's super funny...wipe your tears away so that you can read the rest of this!
She also went to college to study photography. Now she's a cop...go figure! Anyway, we started talking about the camera, she and Sam also have a Nikon and they were trying to explain to me aperture and shutter speed, etc. I've read up about it many times before...I read about the aperture, I get it. Then I read about the shutter speed, I get that too, not to mention the ISO settings. Then, you have to actually adjust your camera and I'm like a complete idiot. Like der, der, der...idiot.
So, we came to the conclusion that I would pay Becky and Sam in cake and champagne for lessons. My Mom is supposed to be taking them too but her life is too crazy at the moment. Our first meeting was on Tuesday. Becky came by herself and she brought her bag of tricks. She let me use a few of her lenses since mine is broken. I will be ordering the 18-55 mm that I dropped months ago today on Amazon. Which is another thing...I actually learned what the 18-55 mm means, hahaha! Ah, such a tool I am when it comes to the camera.
Guess what other lens she let me play with....her 35 mm. OMG, I am in love with that lens!!!! It will definitely be the next lens I buy. It's perfect for me, it will be great on my cakes, for the girls, and for cooking, not to mention many other things. It's awesome. I learned so many different things and I can't wait to get my 18-55 mm in the mail so that I can actually start applying what I've learned.
Becky is sending me links galore on photography and the cool thing is that now, I'm actually getting it. Then, I tried telling my Mom everything that I learned and it made me get it more! I'm so excited. It is fun to actually know that if I want to take my camera off of auto to get a shot that I want, I can get it. It might take me twenty minutes to get the setting that I want, but at least I know how to do it now! And all it's costing me is cake, lol, and champagne!
It's cool stuff this camera thing...but very addicting. Especially when you start playing with different lenses. I better get my bonus room done before I try buying any lenses. I don't really have the time to take this on as a hobby.
Thank you so much Becky!! I can't wait to learn more! You are a great teacher and I hope to become a decent student. It'll be fun next time when Sam can join us and possibly my Mom!