So this post is a little bit of this and that.
We are on a really big health kick over here in Rush Hour. Remember those workout videos I told you about a little bit ago? The hubby and I started them and were doing really good and then my insane sugar life got in the way and we kept saying okay tomorrow, we'll start back up tomorrow. We've just been so, so busy lately. Well, we started them back up finally. I seriously love them. They are harder than you know what but you can feel them working. Plus Shawn T., would kick my @$$ if he knew I wasn't working as hard as I could. Shawn T., is our personal instructor on the video. Only our personal instructor. ;)
We went to Costco and the grocery store this weekend to prepare food wise for our health kick. I made a menu for the week and we're sticking to it. Okay, you want to hear the bummer about all of this? Tim is trying to gain weight so he gets to eat 3300 + calories. Little (big) old me, trying to lose the poundage so I can only have 2300. Sounds like a lot of calories, but when you work out that hard, you need it.
We took before pictures, so I'm hoping that when we are done, I'll post the after. We've been
I know, totally lame.
A Lot of That...
We had rice for dinner.
I tried to get some pictures of it but someone kept getting in the way...
I wonder if you can figure out who made the mess...
She only looks cute.
I made a cake this past weekend (shock), plus some cupcakes and some smash cakes for other orders, but I'll only bore you with one picture. This cake was made for some very special people for a special someone to celebrate...
Fondant diploma and grad cap, buttercream cake.
My Mom and Dad bought a little playset for the girls to have at their house. Awesome. It's going to be so nice to just go over there and not have to worry about some crazy person snatching up my children. It's hard to go to the park alone with two kids both going in different directions. I could only imagine what it would be like to have 3 or 4 kids, maybe one day...
You can see pics of her post on her blog, you know how to get there, or I could make it easy on you and you can click here. Joy, I recommend you do this because she has more pictures of my kids on there, and I know how much you like them ;)
I'm in love with a blogger. Like seriously in love. She doesn't really know it because I've only commented once, but I've been all over her blog. I'm making prob 3 - 5 of her recipes this week for our dinners. She is one of those people that are just good at everything. You know the type. It's kind of sickening but she's awesome. Her blog is Stone Gable. If you like to throw a nice shindig, cook good food, take good pictures, have a gorgeous house, be the all that you can be type, then you'll like her blog. I spend all of my time there, sorry if I haven't stopped by any of your blogs lately, I'm obsessed with her. Don't tell her that I sent you there, or that I'm obsessed. She doesn't really even know about me except for the way I found her, she commented on one of my cake posts.
I put my kids to bed at 6:00 tonight. Because I wanted to blog before my hubby got home. I'm a bad parent, I know this already, so don't go trying to bring it up in your comments. I've already admitted to it. That's the first step.
Madi slept till 12:00 pm today, like a teenager. Good for Mommy but bad for Madi, poor thing had the WORST diaper rash.
We went to the park this past weekend. But I didn't take my camera. Luckily I did a few weeks ago when we went...
We suffered an injury that weekend...
This weekend when we went to the park, I noticed that this thing is open now...
Can't wait till it's warmer, the Easter bunny brought us our bathing suits and we've been dying to use them.
One of us wore hers for a week straight after Easter.
I'm not naming names.
We also went to the beach a while back. Back when it was really cold and we couldn't talk Riley out of it. She was set on going to the beach.
And we love her.
So we went.
We saw a whale while we were there.
We flew our kite from the Easter bunny when we were there.
We also played on the playground.
But I won't bore you with those 200 pictures.
Back to this,
I injured my back somehow doing our insanity workout last night.
Feels the same as it did when I hurt it in college playing volleyball.
I was out for a long time.
Hoping it heals quickly.
If I learned one thing about injuries, if you want to get back in the action, you can't sit around and wait for it to heal.
Hoping I'm at least 50% in our workout tomorrow.
Taking tonight off to stretch and drink wine tend to my wounds.
Joy, I hope this will satisfy your hunger for a while. Not many pics I can take with a lens that is mostly out of order.
Hope you all are having a great week with your this and that.