That is a good strong name.
The kind of last name that goes with any first name.
I'll say it again.
Yeah. Good name.
Where am I going with this?
Tim's brother Jared and his wife Melanie are expecting their second child. This is very exciting news. This will be their second child and more than likely their last. Just recently they found out the sex of the baby. We found out tonight. They will be having a beautiful baby girl! Their first child, Jocelyn, is a girl.
Tim and Jared are the only children of Dave and Joy Rush. My inlaws. Coolest inlaws ever I must add.
Okay, so do the math. Jared and Melanie will have two girls. Tim and I have two girls. Jared and Melanie will probably be done having babies after this second one. Tim and I have one shot left. One shot left to have a boy to carry on that awesome family name.
The pressure is on. I sure hope the next time, Tim doesn't blow the balls off. Is that too graphic? That is the reason Jared and Tim always give when asked why they can't seem to make a boy. Such men they are. I think it's just an excuse. Maybe it's not in the cards? We have to have a boy, it would be a shame to not carry on that great name...
Don't let the name fool you though. We are not in a Rush to have another baby any time soon. But that day will come when we decide to try again. (Like we really had to try the first two times, right?) Let's hope that it is in the cards and we have a boy. The name, here, I'll be annoying and say it again...
Is too good of a name. Seriously, it's not like a last name like Schnitzinglobin, or Vanderheiden. Hahahaha, just kidding Stacy. Your last name rocks. But, it's not as cool as...
So whatever happens in the future is the future. Until then, I just want to say, Jared and Melanie, we are more than thrilled for the both of you to be bringing into this world another beautiful girl. Jared, just make sure you keep your shotgun polished for those high school days when BOTH of your girls are dating boy men. Boy men with last names that are definitely not as cool as...
Congrats again. We love you both very much!!