Had the fam over on Sunday for a Super Bowl get together! It was a lot of fun. It's always nice when we have everyone over to our house b/c I don't have to worry about the girls getting into stuff, needing a nap, etc. They can do whatever at my house. So, let's get into the good stuff...
The Food...
+ Sean
I swear we don't know when to stop adding to our menu. This is what we had for 7 adults and 2 beasts:
19 Sliders with chipotle mayo
Lime Cilantro chicken salad
Chips and guac
Chips and onion dip
Vege platter
No superbowl party is complete without...
And for dessert (like any of us had room for more), we had a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. It was a quick cake that I decorated in like 5.2 seconds, not my best effort.
The guests:
This guy, he didn't have much fun with us. We were more interested in the commercials, sorry to say. My team didn't make it to the superbowl.
These three...
Sean, almost didn't come because he didn't get an official invite and he is high maintenance. Plus he had other options, but we were graced with his presence.
Mom, she always comes especially if there is beer and cake.
And Baba, she comes if there is food.
These two...
They live in the house though so they had to come.
This little naughty girl...
And myself. And Tim's friend from work. No pictures of me because well, nobody ever takes pictures of me, and no pictures of Tim's friend Eric because I didn't get him to sign my blog release. ;)
My game recap:
Wanted the Colts to win but they didn't. Some of the commercials had me cracking up (I Tivo'd so that I can watch some of them again). I learned a few new football phrases:
Temple of the forbidden eye
Oh Sheepers
He hit him in the numbers.
Not exactly sure what two of them mean, but I am definitely positive I know what number 3 means.
That about sums it up!
And, I'll leave you with these beautiful flowers that my Mama brought me!
P.S. Mom if you read this, people might want to see the pictures you took of Tim and his host gift. It is quite pleasant. I'd like you to post your pictures now of S.B. I want to see Tim with his gift. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.