Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Sometimes I am my own worst enemy. Madi has her nine month Dr appt in the morning and I could not find her shot record anywhere, I also don't know exactly what time her appointment is because her appt card is in the wallet that I so conveniently threw away almost right after her last appt. I also thought looking for her shot record was going to be a waste of time because I've already turned my house upside down looking for some closing papers from the house that might actually be in a box in the garage somewhere, and upon searching the entire house along with the refrigerator and toy box, I didn't come across a shot record, not even Riley's. Oh boy oh boy I have a headache again!! I can't wait until I'm fully organized in this house and not searching for things that in normal situations, I would know exactly where they would be. This drives me crazy!!!!

On a happier note, here are some fun things I came across in my wild search...

Oh yeah, that's a big beer.

I see bedroom curtain rods in my future...

Oh yeah, and the shot record, I found it. I remembered when I put it where I did, I told myself, "Kristi, you will never find this the next time you need it." Then I answered back, which all of us know that if you talk to yourself, that's fine, but when you answer back is when you have something to worry about. Well, I answered back, "Oh don't be silly Kristi, just remember that we had this conversation and you will know exactly where it is." Can you believe I actually listened to myself? For those of you that actually care, I slipped it into my back pocket of my jeans at my last appt because I was so worried about my poor little girl that had just had an absurd amount of shots. So I guess the moral of the story is...

...when you are looking for something that you can't find and you find other good things along the way, drink them, and you'll find what you are looking for...



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I'm Kristi, the wife of one very lucky and handsome husband, and mother to two beautiful little girls. I'm honest and sarcastic, funny and easy going. I love to eat and love to hate that I love butter. And wine. And did I mention butter? I'm always learning new things, happy to lend a hand, and love my life. This is a blog of my family and the day to day crazy that we call Rush Hour. I hope while you are here that you enjoy yourself and come back often!

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