For the past two weeks, Riley knows that when we get home, Daddy is home sometime after that. She can't wait to see him, I love it, it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. Daddy has been getting home right about the time Riley is done eating her dinner and has taken her bath. After her bath, she wants to go to the front door to wait for Daddy, then after a whole minute of waiting, she can't take it anymore so we have to go out front to wait. It's so fun to see her excitement when she finally sees him. She also just started saying Da Da about a month ago so she says it all the time, in the sweetest little voice. Today, we got home late so we didn't even make it inside before her Dad got home.
This is Riley running up and down the sidewalk waiting for Daddy.
Once Daddy gets home, it's play time. She loves to get on our bed and roll around and mess around. Daddy tickles and plays with her until she's blue!!
Here she is waiting, Daddy is playing peek-a-boo with her.
A little bit of upside down time..
And don't forget the throwing of Riley onto the pillows!!!
Please Dad, just one more time????